I think your point about any further marketing budget being a waste is spot-on, at least anecdotally. My partner is a much bigger fan than I am (she hasn't seen the show yet but has tickets for next year's leg) and I assumed we'd be seeing it this weekend, but she said she'd rather wait for streaming. It felt to both of us like a theater experience we either weren't totally welcome at (as less than die-hard fans) or wouldn't enjoy. We saw the Stop Making Sense re-release a few weeks earlier, which basically had normal movie theater etiquette with a lot of head bobbing and light singing. I think if that was the expectation, we'd have probably seen the Eras Tour in a theater, but as is, we were fine waiting it out.

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Great write-up! Like you, I enjoyed lying back on my recliner and getting an up-close and personal view of the show I'd seen live twice so I could appreciate the finer details. There were a handful of audience members who stood up and danced, and a bunch of adorable shrieking girls down below, so it was pretty much the perfect balance. SOME concert experience, but not enough to be overwhelming. I already got the concert experience, so I wanted something different for this viewing.

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I haven't seen the movie, though I did see the concert twice, in LA. Part of why I haven't decided yet if I'm going to see it is because I was at one of the shows she filmed, and because I was lucky enough to go twice, and sat in very different parts of the stadium, I feel like I got a good view of the production design. I was intimidated by the TikToks of people screaming and dancing, but that might just make me old. I feel certain I would see it if it was included in AMC A-List, so I'm wondering if her decision to exclude it was the smart choice. I can't imagine I'm the only one.

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It's such a shame that the one girl and her mom were bullied out of the theater just for enjoying the film, shame on anyone trying to call out others just for having a good time.

I would expect that there was messaging before the movie about how it was ok to break traditional theater decorum, to dance, sing and use your cellphone when ordinarily you wouldn't, so it's not like it was a crazy idea. Still, I wish ushers would actually try and enforce traditional theater policy rules more often in movies that aren't concert events, since I see some of this behavior in traditional movies as well 🙄

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