You believe incorrectly. Just look it up, there are tons of articles all saying the same thing, and the creators talked about it on the official podcast. Toranaga wasn't happy about it, but he had to let the guy kill himself and his child after committing such a grave offense by reacting so strongly. It was him putting his foot inside th…
You believe incorrectly. Just look it up, there are tons of articles all saying the same thing, and the creators talked about it on the official podcast. Toranaga wasn't happy about it, but he had to let the guy kill himself and his child after committing such a grave offense by reacting so strongly. It was him putting his foot inside the room that actually was the transgression. And once he openly swore to commit seppuku, there was nothing Toranaga could do about it.
You believe incorrectly. Just look it up, there are tons of articles all saying the same thing, and the creators talked about it on the official podcast. Toranaga wasn't happy about it, but he had to let the guy kill himself and his child after committing such a grave offense by reacting so strongly. It was him putting his foot inside the room that actually was the transgression. And once he openly swore to commit seppuku, there was nothing Toranaga could do about it.
Here's just one of many explainers:
You're right, I got it wrong.