Yes. At the very beginning he thinks he's so superior, as an Englishman and a (Protestant!) Christian and the Japanese are savages and idiots not deserving of respect. But he knows nothing of their culture at that point and also to be fair he's just been through some horrific ordeal at sea. All this to say I agree the way he acted at the beginning was annoying (including just yell in your native language to make them understand ugly foreigner trope) but understandable in context and he changes his tactics pretty quickly after that point
I don’t think Blackthorne, at this point, is smart enough nor does he see the Japanese as anything other than brutes to be diplomatic.
Yes. At the very beginning he thinks he's so superior, as an Englishman and a (Protestant!) Christian and the Japanese are savages and idiots not deserving of respect. But he knows nothing of their culture at that point and also to be fair he's just been through some horrific ordeal at sea. All this to say I agree the way he acted at the beginning was annoying (including just yell in your native language to make them understand ugly foreigner trope) but understandable in context and he changes his tactics pretty quickly after that point