Unless we were meant to read A LOT into those bucolic childhood flashbacks, Airk is not Kit's boyfriend. (I know, I know, it's a typo, "boyfriend" for "brother". I do stuff like that all the time.)

Pretty much exactly my opinions: the earnest throwback stuff is good, some of the modern meta stuff works, a lot of it doesn't, averages out to about 70% good. Assuming we get volumes 2 and 3, I'll miss Graydon as part of the fellowship for as long as his teased heel turn lasts; his was my favorite arc in volume 1. I thought Elora was the weakest link. It's not the actor's fault; I just don't think the writing made her transition from McGuffin to character particularly convincing.

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It was a perfectly ok show, I had little to no expectations so it had a low bar to clear for me. If it gets another season I'll probably watch, if it doesn't, ehh. The plotting seemed really loose in a couple of episodes, I think a few times I was like, "Wait a sec..", but other than that it was some light fare to pass the time.

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"70% of a decent show" is a good way of putting it! I've really enjoyed it as an episodic D&D campaign of a show, and unlike apparently the majority of people, I have no issues with the modern attitude of the dialogue or the anachronistic needle drops. I like fun! But it certainly has room for improvement.

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