I am about as ruthlessly competitive as my loved ones can tolerate - and sometimes more - but to me, CT's final moves were a fully intentional and entirely unnecessary heel turn. He knew full well that MJ was faithful, and any protestations to the contrary rang hollow, because we all saw MJ's contributions to the game. You've won the game. Don't take prize money out of your teammate's pockets.

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Three thoughts:

1) I audibly gasped when Trishelle revealed "CT" on her ballot. That was legitimately shocking to me.

2) I wish there was some sort of incentive to banish traitors during the early and middle part of the game; maybe anyone who votes to banish one successfully is personally guaranteed money? Or this bonus money just gets added to the big pot? I just think Sandra's strategy to keep traitors around for a good chunk of the show, while sound under current rules, does feel a bit antithetical to the whole point of the faithfuls?

2) I would LOVE Myles (or another EM contributor) to cover season 3 of the show! I have to imagine there's as much potential material as a Survivor season to write about? (But I don't watch that show so maybe I'm just being biased haha.)

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Loved reading your thoughts on traitors season 2. I’m someone who started watching because I like Bravo shows and heard good buzz and loved the show (especially Alan). But it did feel like lighting in a bottle so I’m skeptical about season 3. That said I was really tickled by the editing and how they would emphasize how super Wrong some contestants (like MJ) were a lot of the time. I felt like CT and Trishelle absolutely did the correct Gameplay (why split three ways if you can split two?) but I wonder if they’ll add a penalty for voting out a faithful at the end for future games.

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Being wrong - intentionally or not - is how you don't get murdered at night. MJ survived until all the traitors were eliminated. She's right to be ripshit.

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I felt (a little) bad for her, but it’s within the bounds of the game. There’s no penalty for eliminating a faithful at the end and there’s incentive (more money). That’s why I think they might add a rule to make it not so inviting a move next season

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Something within the rules can still be a dick move, though.

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