"I acknowledge I’m a full month late to this particular party."

No shade intended, since I know watching TV and writing about it is something you do for work, not just fun, and I also know that to get the most engagement with an audience it pays to be timely, but this sort of thought is something I have been struggling to get away from. As an unscientific poll of one person, I would be happy to read articles here about shows that are months or even years old. The feeling of having to keep up with everything while it's happening or else it's essentially expired has given me anxiety for years.

Anyway, I just finished The Dropout on Sunday. Good stuff! And what a cast! It was always nice to see people I really like but wasn't expecting like Michaela Watkins and Stephen Fry and Bashir Salahuddin (if you haven't seen his show South Side, please watch South Side). I wasn't totally sure I understood the whole thing, which is why I wouldn't be sad to see some analysis and discussion about it, but in the end I think it was interesting how much sympathy it had for Holmes, without actually forgiving her.

P.S. I don't really follow awards, but you're telling me Dever wasn't recognized for Unbelievable? What an amazing show that was.

P.P.S. I bailed on Westworld after three episodes, but it lives on for me as a running gag on one of my favorite podcasts, The Weekly Planet, and which has now by far supplanted the actual show in my mind.

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I stuck with Westworld, I'll be watching it in June. (This is the first I've heard about a new season.)

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I still watch and enjoy Westworld and had I known it was returning in June before today, I might have listed it.

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I bailed on Westworld halfway through S3, and didn't even know that S4 had been commissioned, never mind that it was starting next month.

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I personally love Westworld, warts and all, and would appreciate EM continued its coverage.

I kinda feel the buzz around it died because the series slowly but surely embraced the fact that it was ultimately a pulpy, highly entertaining genre series in a high-brow/high-concept package a la The Matrix, rather than an intellectual cerebral drama.

I knew it would lose a great deal of its audience when the S2 finale aired. Imho, that was a great capper to a great season, one that committed deeply to the most ridiculous genre stuff but it was bound to alienate people.

S3 was underrated. A messy year to be sure that didn't know always what to do with some of its characters (Ed Harris in particular) but one that didn't deserve all the vitriol.

S4 will likely be its last - that HBO has officially announced its return less than two months before the premiere is a pretty big sign - and I will watch it to the very end.

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