As someone not paying too close attention to the industry, I thought there’s a difference between straight to DVD (streaming) vs theatrical in terms of awards. I thought you were ineligible for an Oscar nomination if you’re not released to a movie theater. Obviously during the worst part of the pandemic exceptions might have been made. But yes, it’s gotten muddier with these Pixar films.
The pandemic forced their hand on this: beforehand, there was a requirement for a certain number of theatrical performances (see: The Irishman, Roma), but in 2020 they obviously had to throw that away, and there's really no going back at this point.
The medium is the message and all that jazz and stuff; mostly just came here to share this lovely Vulture article about 90s straight-to-video culture and the Lion King 1 1/2:
Wh... What!? That has got to be the weirdest Heritage Minute of all time 😂
As someone not paying too close attention to the industry, I thought there’s a difference between straight to DVD (streaming) vs theatrical in terms of awards. I thought you were ineligible for an Oscar nomination if you’re not released to a movie theater. Obviously during the worst part of the pandemic exceptions might have been made. But yes, it’s gotten muddier with these Pixar films.
The pandemic forced their hand on this: beforehand, there was a requirement for a certain number of theatrical performances (see: The Irishman, Roma), but in 2020 they obviously had to throw that away, and there's really no going back at this point.