Review: What We Do in the Shadows, “Nandor’s Army” | Season 6, Episode 5
The horror (comedy)… the horror (comedy)
What We Do in the Shadows has never been the kind of show where characters sit down, one-to-one, and have emotional heart-to-heart chats. “Nandor’s Army,” though, has two of those frank, earnest, cards-on-the-table conversations, which made me think once again about something I wrote in my review of the Season 6 premiere: finality forces focus. After all, if these characters aren’t going to have these kinds of conversations now, then whenever will they?
Oh and by the way, this episode is also—almost against all odds, given its deeper emotional resonance—incredibly funny. I don’t want to undersell that. We’ve only got five more Shadows left; and goodness knows, I’m going to miss watching a comedy so teeming with good jokes.
The setup is simple, as is so often the case with this show. Picking up where the previous episode left off, we learn that Nandor was so hurt by Guillermo firing him from Cannon Capital Strategies that he has disappeared. Enter The Baron, who is so d…