Of course, the real question is: Do we think Asher ever went to business school? And if so, did he get really good grades?

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I have to watch more episodes to even get a feel for what the show *is* - but I think the combination of principals can either work against each other or make magic. Stone is one of the best actresses working, Safdie creates nerve wracking tension out of *anything* and Fielder brings an inimitable alien awkwardness and understated comedy. I was riveted but not always sure why; I found some things funny and conversely not funny, without ever being sure how they were intended to be received; I had both empathy and revulsion for the main characters without feeling able to settle on a judgement either way. Buckle up, buckaroos, this will be quite the season of TV, one way or another.

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Yeah, in terms of the creative team behind it, I had similar feelings-- in short, this show seems to combine Safdie's gifts for generating tension and anxiety and Fielder's for generating awkwardness very well. It was a strange and unnerving show, with some hilarious moments, but weirdly compelling through all that even as it got deeply uncomfortable at times.

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I've been excitedly dreading this, as only a Nathan Fielder fan/anti-fan can. Maybe less dread because of how horrible I felt being riveted to The Rehearsal, being complicit in the unique way the show is evil to the real people involved.

Having not caught up with most of Emma Stone's films, I was struck by how perfectly nuanced she is in this role. She's really flawless.

I agree on the PIN question, but then, it's also a sign of his white guilt. He didn't feel bold enough to stick to common sense and say, "No, I'm not telling you my PIN." But it also tied in with another recurring bit on the show, where Asher spends so much of his life on his cell phone, asking to speak to your manager.

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That was the most uncomfortable I have been watching a consensual sex scene

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Add to this that I am actually someone who grew up in a rival town in New Mexico (where Espanola jokes were quite common), and this show is officially off-the-charts uncomfortable to watch/impossible not to watch. There is a creep factor here that really got under my skin.

I am highly discomforted, but I still want to see where it goes.

Did anyone else think that it might be the father of the girls who was looking through the peephole when Asher was lying to his wife? Probably fanciful thinking, but it didn't seem possible from the angle for it to be someone within the apartment/hotel room they are working in. Whatever the case, I don't think you hire an Oscar nominee to not be important to the plot.

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I had this same thought - "aha, the dad is overhearing him lying!" - but I don't think "anyone" was watching. Just us. I expect the perspective of the audience as unwelcome or unwilling voyeurs will become a signature of the show.

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Oh, yes, that sounds right!

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i completely missed that was Barkhad Abdi. always happy to see him

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Great review!

I’m a huge fan of Fielder and like most others am both excited and nervous about what he’ll do with a scripted series. I’m not familiar with Safdie but am looking forward to seeing his work.

I thought the premiere was very good, though not great. It had the requisite discomfort we’ve all come to expect and had me asking myself “should I really be laughing at this?” enough to call it a success. At times it did seem overly contrived, like the ATM PIN scene, but not to a degree that ruined it for me.

I can only guess that the level of cringe is just going to increase from here, although I hope they don’t lean into the visuals too hard (a la the “Cherry Tomato Boys”) and stick with the uncomfortable situations which is Fielder’s specialty.

I’m definitely committed to the season and am glad it’s being covered here. Very much looking forward to the reviews and discussions.

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I don't know how much I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the season, but I'll be tuning in to see where this story goes

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I watched the first two or three episodes of Nathan For You and was definitely one of the people that felt like he taking advantage of small business owners. I never checked out The Rehearsal.

Since this is entirely fictional, I may check it out, although I am not sure how much cringe I can take either.

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Absolutely eager to watch this, and agree that The Rehearsal was a top top top show last year. In the UK though, I'd have to subscribe to Paramount+ to watch it, and I can't justify another streaming service. So I'll probably just binge it near the end and join y'all for the finale?

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