I am disappointed at Moss' quick exit, but definitely intrigued by the show. Jacinto in particular is great, even if I do find it difficult to see him as a character other than Jason Mendoza; it was jarring to hear him use phrases like "galactic dominance."

I also really appreciate the economy of storytelling on display so far; it was very funny how quickly her fellow prisoner went from "we have an escape plan" to "we are escaping."

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Honestly, me would be more interested in watching this show if Jacinto played his character as Jason Mendoza. "Any time me had problem, me just threw thermal detonator at it! Then me had different problem!"

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A very promising launch to this show. I would already put it as among the better live-action Disney+ Star Wars titles -- which is to say, about on par with the first two seasons of The Mandalorian, though not (yet) as good as Andor. But certainly much more confident and engaging than The Book of Boba Fett, Mando season 3, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Ahsoka.

I don't think Mae's master will be anyone we've met so far, since that bench is so slim. It's really just Vernestra who's old enough and not one of her stated targets, right? And so far, that's not a mystery I particularly care about, while these episodes have swiftly gotten me on-board with the effort to stop Mae's vengeance in the moment and the open questions surrounding her motivations and backstory. I'm loving the Jedi as space cops AND the implication that at least some of them are involved in a shameful conspiracy. Looking forward to seeing that angle play out and whatever reckoning comes of it as the season unfolds.

Were there any connections to the High Republic novels that anyone caught? I tried a couple of those and got bored, but I feel like I heard there would be some references in this show to what had already been established for the era. Meanwhile, I loved getting a look at the Trade Federation already chafing against Jedi rules, in a nod to the eventual start of The Phantom Menace that didn't need to be belabored. And if anyone is irritated over the soap-opera twist that the real killer was Osha's identical twin, I do need to point out that the original Star Wars trilogy famously had a big twin reveal as well! But I agree with Josh that that element is played just right here, keeping audiences uncertain at first but not dragging out the obvious for too long after that.

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Vernestra's in the books, so it would be even more surprising if it was her. Not impossible, but they've built her up pretty solidly as a hero over there.

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Oh, I forgot to add -- Osha dropping out of the Jedi program in the series backstory is another issue whose specific details are being kept from us for now but will presumably be relevant to the ongoing plot of the season. Hopefully that reveal isn't dragged out for too long, either.

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I agree this is the most promising Disney Plus Star Wars show in a long time, but in a way that's not saying much since they're on such a bad streak with all of the titles you mention. The most recent one (I think) Ashsoka was just so god awful and put such a bad taste in my mouth. I honestly think it might give "Marvel: Secret Invasion" a run for its money as the worst Disney Plus original series ever. I think saying the Acolyte is on a par with the good seasons of the Mandalorian is about right. I would love to see it be on the level of Andor but I think it's so far from that at this point I wouldn't even compare. But this definitely is promising. From the way it began with that sort of Hong Kong style fight choreography scene I was intrigued

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Seeing some theories that the master is Qimir, which I think I would actually like quite a bit. It would explain Jaconto's minimal presence in the advertising, and he's an accomplished dancer and so fights featuring him could be great.

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Yeah, I heard that back in Jacksonville, he was in charge of a 60-person dance crew!

It's an interesting idea, him begin the secret villain. I guess I could buy that in theory, like Liam Neeson in Batman Begins pretending to be his own subordinate or whatever. But so far I'm not really seeing a good reason for why that character would keep his identity a secret from Mae. Just so if she's caught she can't give him away? His cover identity is already a criminal, so it's a far cry from Palpatine not wanting to lose his political powers by revealing himself too soon.

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"Perhaps the most curious aspect of these two episodes—particularly in “Revenge / Justice”—is that it often depicts the Jedi as, essentially, space cops."

When Yord reaches for his lightsaber the instant Osha puts her hand in her pocket. 😳

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Really enjoyed this review — and the show! It’s clearly very different than Andor, but having real plot movement and fleshed-out characters makes me optimistic that we’ll see something closer to that show’s quality than whatever Ahsoka was doing.

Very interested in where Headland steers this ship.

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"First, The Fugitive, seeing as “Lost / Found” has a hero falsely accused of a crime, an explosive escape with other convicts, and the hero nearly falling off a high cliff while protesting their innocence."

I was 100% waiting for them to pay it off with.

Osha: I didn't kill Indara

Yord: I don't care (it wouldn't be Sol who said this)

*Osha throws herself off of the cliff*

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Holy misleading marketing, Batman. I’m honestly stunned and angry about Moss being in just a single scene. Is she in anything beyond the first episode?? I’m not sure I’m willing to give this show the benefit of the doubt after that stunt.

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There will presumably be a flashback—possibly an entire flashback episode according to what's been revealed in trailers/cast announcements—to what really happened to Osha and Mae sixteen years ago, so Moss is definitely not fully out of this series.

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Okay, thanks. Appreciate the info.

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I'm two seasons into The Bad Batch, and it's so fucking good! The Wookiee Jedi episode is cute.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 6

If you want more of the Wookiee Jedi, Gungi also appears a bit towards the end of the Clone Wars series.

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Oh huh! I actually just finished Clone Wars a few weeks ago, didn't realize I'd seen him before.

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He's in the episodes where the young Jedi kids go with Huyang to find their kyber crystals.

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Ooh!! Right!!

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I really dug the first two episodes. Engaging story, strong characters, great cast. So far a great mix of action and intrigue. Seems like they’ve set up a pretty solid mystery box. For the first time in a couple of years, I’m actually feeling a sense of anticipation for a Star War!

I hadn’t seen much in terms of promos and was somehow completely unaware that Carrie-Anne Moss is part of this. Realizing it was her as that knockoff Matrix fight unfolded was pretty fun. I’m not really spoiler sensitive, but moments like that illustrate the merit to the “avoid promos and previews” at all cost approach.

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Not Carrie-Anne Moss getting the Indira Varma treatment--in all the promos so we don't know she dies straight off. A fact I had spoiled for me by a "What you need to know about the High Republic" article, thanks, internet.

I would KILL for a comedy about the country bumpkin Jedi hanging around the run-down temple on this backwater planet, haphazardly dealing with minor bad guys while getting drunk and chasing tail.

They really told Charlie Barnett he was going to do fanservice, huh. And I thought the Jedi were supposed to resist temptation.

Seems like the main character likes breaking rules... call them Osha violations.

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She just hates unsafe workplaces

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I think the only reason they were functioning as space cops here is because a person who showed they were capable of using the force killed a Jedi. That kind of thing would definitely warrant Jedi attention.

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The Wookiee Jedi, Gungi, also appeared as a padawan in the Clone Wars series.

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What struck me as I watched the first two episodes (particularly episode 1) was how great the fight scenes were. Not just a light saber sword fight but the martial arts while floating up and down. I thought of the film “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon “. I am hopeful about this series!

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Really solid start to the series! I find myself more interested these days in Star Wars stories that push back against the assumptions that the original trilogy established. I dig the idea that Star Wars has reached a point in terms of both age and cultural ubiquity where we can see a kind of revisionist Star Wars story play out (it's why I think Book of Boba Fett was fascinating, even if it wasn't always successful in what it was doing), so the idea that the Jedi are covering up a major mistake definitely has my attention.

Even as the prequel trilogy showed how the Jedi's overconfidence and rigidity led to their downfall, how The Last Jedi showed that Luke's fear led to the very outcome he was hoping to prevent, and how Ashoka's arc across three shows has pointed out the failings of the Jedi as a concept, there's still this larger assumption that Jedi = lawful good chosen one heroes, and that's that. I like that Star Wars can do something like this that pushes back against those assumptions about its heroes always being justified and right (which is why the the high point of Mando S3 for me was the episode about how the New Republic was a bunch of dopes).

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