And speaking of the war, was it just me or did this episode have more references to the Klingon War than season 1 as a whole? I hadn't yet watched any of Discovery before S1 of SNW aired so maybe I just wasn't on the lookout for them, but this episode felt much more like a direct continuation of some of Discovery's story lines (at least …
And speaking of the war, was it just me or did this episode have more references to the Klingon War than season 1 as a whole? I hadn't yet watched any of Discovery before S1 of SNW aired so maybe I just wasn't on the lookout for them, but this episode felt much more like a direct continuation of some of Discovery's story lines (at least from it's first season). I wonder if that was an intentional attempt to make SNW as approachable for a new viewer as possible and they're now working under the assumption that people who subscribed for it (like me) have since caught up on its parent show?
And speaking of the war, was it just me or did this episode have more references to the Klingon War than season 1 as a whole? I hadn't yet watched any of Discovery before S1 of SNW aired so maybe I just wasn't on the lookout for them, but this episode felt much more like a direct continuation of some of Discovery's story lines (at least from it's first season). I wonder if that was an intentional attempt to make SNW as approachable for a new viewer as possible and they're now working under the assumption that people who subscribed for it (like me) have since caught up on its parent show?