Review: Severance, "Hide and Seek" | Season 1, Episode 6
It takes a lot of style to make up for what's basically a half-episode, and this ALMOST gets there
When you make a show like Severance that has such a distinct visual style, there is an inherent risk of falling into the trap of “style over substance.” And when you deliver a shorter-than-average1 episode that ends in the middle of a scene—calling it a cliffhanger is giving it too much credit—and doesn’t add much to audience’s grasp of the situation six episodes into a nine episode season, you’re sort of begging for someone to suggest that style is leading the charge, as it were.
“Hide and Seek,” like last week’s episode, mostly just extends our existing questions about Lumon and the severance process. MDR and O&D take their first steps toward banding together, but Milchick immediately shuts them down before they can try to figure out what hatchets and watering cans and lambs have to do with anything. Milchick makes an extra-curricular stop to Dylan’s house to wake up his “Innie” to demand information about the flash card he stole from O&D, but we don’t see what chaos w…