Unlike you, I am all-in on this show's timey-wimey structure and find it wonderfully clever refreshing! I think it works because the episodes are a bit longer than the usual forty-ish minutes of a regular procedural, and they use that time to make you more invested in the mystery and characters of the week. I didn't feel like the mystery-solving aspect got short-shrift at all, even though I did get a wee bit impatient with how long it took Charlie to show up in the second episode. I'll be curious to see how the show maintains this structure and, I'm sure, plays with our expectations. It's a Rian Johnson show after all!

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Love the way you connect this to Columbo. My love of tv recaps and reviews started with the book "The Columbo Phile" which I discovered after the show was on reruns on Sunday afternoons on a NYC local channel back in the early 90s I even had a handwritten list at the front of the book with the dates I saw each episode. I loved watching an episode and then reading another person's thoughts about i! Over 30 years later, here we are. :)

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I really, really loved these 2 episodes and now I’m just along for the ride.

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A little Columbo Easter egg happens in the first show when Charlie sits at the bar. You can hear one of the gambling machines in the background play "This Old Man" which is a tune that was often used in the Columbo series.

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Thank you for the awesome write-up I know Colton Ryan from “Girl from Plainville”. He was really good in that show. I was also touched by the gesture of friendship in episode 2’s opener, and I was sad to see that death. I was hoping they could’ve been buds.

I thought the debut episode will end up as one of the best of the year, and that slow burn was missing from episode 2. Hopefully, they’ll find the balance and hopefully this becomes the big hit it deserves to be.

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I love reading a review that points out how good Columbo is. Me and my partner discovered it years ago on daytime tv and watched all of them, Peter Falk (as you point out) was amazing. As I would happily watch Natasha Lyonne read the phone book I was hanging out for this show to drop. So far it hasn't disappointed. Can't wait to see what the next episode brings.

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I was all-in on this show as soon as I heard Rian Johnson was making it. But as a New Mexican, having a Lotaburger in the background of the scene set in New Mexico? Ah, you can't get much more New Mexican than that.

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Let me stipulate that I am annoyed with Peacock for releasing 4 episodes at once. I just think one a week would have worked better, for buzz, and my schedule.

I loved these 2 episodes. I haven’t seen Russian Doll so it’s a real treat getting to see Natasha Lyonne for the first time. I actually like the structure of the episodes although I agree with you that it means less time sleuthing.

Looking forward to watching more episodes!

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