Oct 4, 2023Liked by Les Chappell

Been enjoying these recaps so dang much during my own re-watch leading up to the second season! Having a year and change of perspective since S1 aired, it's so nice to look back at what really worked with this show—such a fun cast and setting, and as you've said it's a joy to watch a genre show with queerness so unapologetically woven into the fabric of the thing.

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Jumping in to say thank you for these recaps! They finally inspired me to watch this wonderful show and I can't wait to jump into Season 2. The way this show handles queerness is so refreshing and welcome. I also appreciate the economy of the show's storytelling. It is a tricky balance to breeze through story beats and still make sure the audience follows the various character arcs and this show nails it.

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Oh that finale really got me! I cried. Completely agree on how good the music choices for the show were. Excellent. I really appreciated these recaps as I watched the show. I am so glad it motivated me to catch up. Onward to Season 2!

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