Just once I'd like to see a teenage party that it is just nine kids around a card table with chips and Mountain Dew listening to Spotify and playing Xbox.

Re: ages: It mostly boils down to I have a mental dividing line between adolescent and young adult that is around 15/16, and I feel like the actors and the characters here are on opposite sides of it. I think the romance would be more impactful if the actors actually looked as young as they are supposed to be.

Those are quibbles though. This has been fan-damn-tastic so far.

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This show definitely doesn't have a lot of interest in fully unpacking the class dynamics of these families, but it is notable that they kept in the lines about Harry's family being so posh, to clarify that not every family is renting out a giant hotel.

I do think that having read the source material helps a bit in terms of the ages, because I really don't feel like they're written any younger than they appear in the show there either. It's consistent with the version of adolescence depicted.

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