Spot-on, Caroline. I've only watched the first episode so far, but what a mess! I think ideally, this premiere should have been structured as either entirely Maya's pre-Hawkeye experiences or as just a quick Hawkeye recap followed by a fuller story of what she's been up to since then. Jerking us around the timeline, including scenes that are abridged from a previous show sitting alongside the new material without clear demarcations, did no favors for this (re)introduction to her story.

I think I'm most stuck on Clint's random appearance, especially if he's not going to be a major part of this show (as I assume Daredevil might be?). Even as someone who watched and enjoyed the Hawkeye miniseries, I felt like that scene's brief inclusion here as part of Maya's journey made it seem like a white man speaking some platitudes at her was all it took to get her to suddenly doubt and turn on Fisk. I can't imagine how it would play for any theoretical newcomer viewers without the Hawkeye context.

The signing (and to a lesser extent so far, Choctaw) is neat, though! I'm glad the series is including so many other characters who can sign with Maya, rather than it just being something for her alone. That more than anything else is driving home for me the sense that she's a part of a wider community she might now be endangering.

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While I really enjoyed the Hawkeye show overall, Clint popping up was a reminder of just how messy his arc was there. Like, I get how Fisk putting a hit on Maya's dad would be a massive betrayal for her, but Clint was still the one who physically killed him! It's not like Maya's anger at him was misplaced!!

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I'm looking forward to Devery Jacob's and everything to do with that side of her family, but yes, the 1st episode made me realize just how easily I forget shows like Hawkeye (even though I enjoyed it).

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I meant to re-watch Hawkeye over the holiday's and didn't but that said, I really enjoyed it and want to watch it every Christmas.

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Oh I forgot she was in this! She must be playing Bonnie. Sweet.

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Yes, just seeing her from afar made me happy.

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Yeah, I am really hoping that the four episodes I binge on Saturday are better than whatever the hell this was. You've highlighted the strengths and weaknesses pretty well, so I don't have too much to add, but I agree the shadowy translator was a nice touch. It would be interesting if they fleshed out her character.

Also yeah, I know the "one-take" fight is not a true long take—they don't even try to hide it by the end when they're whooshing the camera back and forth—but I still get a kick out of it. And I, too, was super excited to see Daredevil.

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Now that a Marvel series is starting up again, I’m feeling glad I subscribed! The post-show review comedown has become part of the fun.

Turns out I remembered sweet fuck all about Hawkeye (Marvel plot details do NOT stay with me), so I was actually kind of grateful for the recapping, although I agree that the timeline and brevity of clips came across as discordant.

I assumed the series would be more New York-y (warehouses! Gangs! Apartments!), so switching to a folksy small town full of family - how many cousins does she have?! - was completely unexpected to me but not unwelcome. Based on the Next On, we get to spend more time there, which I’m all for.

Anyone else assume Biscuit would be a dog and not a relative?

I am finding it hard to connect to the protagonist thus far. Her resting bitch face is the strongest I’ve ever seen, and she seems cold and reserved even to most of the people she cares about. I hope we’ll be “let in” soon. Rooting for some sidekick acquisition as well, give this woman a Jaskier!

I was extremely confused with the intro and had to double-check that we weren’t watching the wrong thing. The animation of the Choctaw people shattering whatever was around them and revealing their skin was very similar to Inhumans imagery to me. I’m curious to see where the flashes and dreams lead.

Between the train scene and the flashbacks to female ancestors on the Next on, I’m reminded of Miss Marvel.

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I was pretty into it for the first 11 minutes but the extended previously on bit threw me. I felt pretty adrift after that--apparently "not having to worry about continuity" just means "here's all the continuity thrown in your face without a skip button." It's not lost on me that I think the way they handle it in "continuity" shows is better--just tell the story and if you know some of the details, great! If not, hopefully the story holds its own for you. It seems like they made the Spotlight distinction mid-production and had to cram a bunch of things in episode 1 to make it work.

Anyway, I do want to cosign your first bullet point: second episode is a lot better and give it a chance. But I'll save my thoughts for the next review!

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I read a couple of reviews before watching and went in with pretty low expectations. I thought it was fine overall. I didn’t love the extended Hawkeye “recap”, but I am really foggy on the details of that show so it didn’t bother me as much as it did others. Definitely agree that they left out some beats that would have made it better TV.

The young Maya opening and return to her hometown were ok, even if they were a bit by the numbers.

I plan to watch the rest and hopefully I’ll be caught up by Friday or Saturday.

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Definitely feels like 4.5 episodes instead of 5 this season. I appreciate what they were trying to do but felt like most of it fell flat sadly. Even the Kingpin stuff was kind of meh? I'm going to keep watching after this one but don't feel compelled to binge it anymore. All the actors were fantastic but there were some plotting and pacing issues that don't make for a great premier.

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