Regarding Jake being (or not) Robby's son, I realized I filled in some gaps based on context clues (like Princess saying Jake was taking the tickets from the "old man"). Going back and watching their scenes (and previous mentions of Jake like in Episode 2), the words son or dad aren't used and the Noah Wyle interview confirms that he isn't his biological son. Jake mentions his mother wanting to make sure that Robby is okay on this day but would Jake be so chipper if it was the anniversary of his dad's death? Sure, he is excited about his date but still seems far too chill if this was where his dad died four years ago to the day.

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All fair points! I think it just doesn’t make sense to me that everyone would know Jake if he was just Dr. Robby’s “sort of stepson” from a previous relationship. The way they all step in to parent - it immediately read to me like they had all sort of adopted him after his father’s death.

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Robby obviously feels very paternal towards him and everyone treats the relationship as such, but he's "Robby" not "Dad". The "sort of" is a wild card but otherwise I think all the evidence matches the idea of a stepson.

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Gotta say I'm loving this show, watching interesting characters be good at their jobs used to be just what all of TV was and the genre seems to be sorely lacking nowadays. And it was only really thanks to episodic medium that I took the chance on it, so thanks! Any On Cinema heads agree we're heading toward a Electric Sun Festival type disaster?

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I'm struggling to figure out what I'm supposed to think of Dr. Santos. It's only supposed to be one shift so not like the character should completely transform through the show but at this stage she just seems to be kind of a jerk. Usually I feel like that type of character is usually pretty good at their job so the arrogance is warranted (before a something humbles them), but so far she just seems to be not incompetent but just full of unearned confidence that as a watcher makes her hard to like compared to everyone else so far. I assume at some point she has to be proven right, so maybe it's Checkov's vial.

I also didn't understand what she was contemplating about reporting on Dr Langdon. Was it she thought his behavior was inappropriate towards her for reprimanding her? Or was it actually a concern with his medical advice?

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My guess on Langdon is that he disregarded her suggestion it could be defective and just chalked it up to her being bad at her job. He's...not wrong, exactly, but he probably shouldn't have dismissed the idea outright. But she's also being a pill. So.

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An intern (or anyone, really) fumbling to open a vial is so much more likely than a major problem with a whole lot of the drug. I hope they go with the odds rather than just made-up drama. And I hope that Santos is mostly just what she seems to be: kind of an overconfident jerk. That's not to say I'll mind if she gets some good moments, just that I don't want it to turn into "young brash doctor was right all along". Same with Dr. (Slow) Mohan. Yes, her approach to patient care is great in a lot of ways, but I want the show to stick to its guns that that kind of time is not a luxury you can always afford in the ER.

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I think a mass shooting is absolutely on the table for the super-ominous "festival," but my money is on a balcony collapse.

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I'm grateful to Emma and Myles for this coverage and I hope it will continue for the whole season, but I'm confused about the format. I thought when it was announced the plan was to check in on a different show every week. Again, I'm happy for ongoing Pitt coverage and prefer that to a sampler, but did I misunderstand the plan or did something change?

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Whitaker's scrubs is a funny running gag, but it kind of falls apart when no one else the ER has so much as a spot on them.

As others have noted, it seems more and more likely that we are headed towards a mass casualty event involving the music festival and/or the troubled teen son, which kind of upsets me. One, I hate than mass shootings have become so familiar that they are just more grist for the medical drama mill. Two, just as a story I don't think it's very interesting. Sure, there will be yelling and running around and heroic saves and tragic losses, but I much prefer the still life and death but less frantic stories we have gotten so far.

Speaking of overwrought drama, I think the timeline drama we got with abortion patient was enough. We didn't need Parentalconsentgate on top of that.

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It definitely feels like the single day format is leading to some form of mass casualty event in the later hours of the season, and I for sure got the feeling from the first episodes that the troubled teen would be part of that. Did not put together the music festival hints, but that could certainly be part of it too.

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I think the music festival is definitely going to be the scene of that event, and will probably lead to a tense season finale. There have been too many people casually mentioning this festival over the last few episodes for this to be a coincidence.

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Isn’t the Incel going to shoot up the music festival?

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That's possible! It's certainly seems like we'll be getting a follow-up to that storyline.

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