I am thrilled, THRILLED, about this series. I think I got more insight about TCA from this post than I have in years and years of tweets and articles from longtime regulars (no disrespect, but their posts about the event itself were sidelights to the stories they came to get for their beats, understandably), and I came away from reading this thinking about how vital it is to understand the event and its participants on a structural and role-based level.

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Oh yay! I'm so glad you're there and giving us updates. I've always been fascinated by TCA Press Tour and this was such a great insight. I remember back when Twitter was healthy-ish that my feed would be flooded with anecdotes from the TV critics & reporters I follow who were there. But the last few years (and I know COVID had a lot to do with it) I sometimes don't even know the event is happening until it has a news story break (this year too). I miss getting to see so many reactions but I'm glad to have access via you to what's going on this year.

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Finally finding more time to dig back into these posts. Wish I had been around for when they came out, but delighted to see TCA coverage here. It's one of the things that made me care a lot more about industry dynamics and the tensions and different perspectives between crew, cast, writers, producers, etc. I still remember being deeply invested in that one time when a 2 Broke Girls panel went sideways: https://uproxx.com/sepinwall/press-tour-2-broke-girls-panel-turns-ugly-with-racism-raunchiness-charges/

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“Of course, it’s possible that Caputo wasn’t briefed on the specifics of her audience”

No, it isn’t

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I mean more in terms of “what the television critics association is” and less “using the RSVP list to research individual stories so she could seem clairvoyant.”

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Got it.

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I never would have guessed that I was interested in this level of "inside baseball", but here I am being absolutely thrilled for more details. Thanks for giving me something I didn't know I'd enjoy! Everything about this was insightful, interesting, and fun. Also, that Michael Douglas anecdote is hilarious and must've been amazing.

Please keep us posted on this. It's all interesting, especially in the weird transitional time that the industry is experiencing (both post-COVID and with streaming).

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I really love these sort of columns - and as a Brit outside the TV industry I'd never heard of the TCA (or its press tour). It's fascinating both to get insight into the industry mood and to understand more about the dynamics of publicity and press.

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@myles: I realize this is completely off topic, but I just noticed that the Calendar and About pages have out of date calendars. Are there plans to update those for the current run of shows being covered?


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