Congratulations, Myles! The content that draws people in would not exist without YOUR commitment to being the de facto editor of a publication (with all the attendant headaches that involves). For as long as you can stand it, or until you can hand off some of the work, I hope that commitment is compatible with a healthy life for you!
Normally me mildly annoyed when Substack constantly ping me with notifications... unless they come from this web site, because it bring me joy that spirit of TV Club alive and well! Me have been so happy to see this site grow into real community, and glad to see writers me have been following for years continuing to do thoughtful criticism in this debased era of clickbait. Me must be deeply invested in Episodic Medium if me spend money on subscription me could otherwise spend on COOKIES!!!!!
Myles, This has been a blessing to me. I don't watch every show you cover and wish you could cover some you don't but I have enjoyed every minute of my subscription. Thank you for taking the leap. I will be a subscriber till my fortunes wane or you end the site. There was a real need here. Again. thank you
Congratulations! I'm one of the Better Call Saul influxees and figured I'd just subscribe until it was over but I'm still here :) There's a couple of shows that I decided to watch purely because the reviews here piqued my interest so I'm looking forward to being further influenced throughout the rest of 2023 (and hopefully beyond!)
Congrats Myles! I mostly just want to spend my time surrounded by people who compare everything to LOST, remember Live Tweeting TV fondly, and have a very specific timeline for their engagement with TV and TV criticism - which your site seems to have given me. I don't think I really engage with much TV Criticism outside of this space and maybe Vulture at this point.
Congrats on a great first year! I've very much enjoyed my yearly subscription, even when there have been relatively fallow periods in terms of shows I watch. Looking at the calendar for March, there will be multiple weeks where I'm likely reading at least three reviews. So that definitely makes up for the few occasions when my interests don't perfectly align with the site's. I've also gone back and read reviews of shows I didn't watch live but binged later, like Severance. And all along, it's been a robust and friendly commentary space.
Thank you for organizing such a great site!
Just one thing worth clarifying: While any yearly subscriptions bought on day 1 will auto-renew tomorrow, it looks like mine won't renew until exactly 365 days after I first paid (which I sheepishly have to admit was only when Better Call Saul came back). I realize your sentence above is likely in reference to people who bought a year immediately then forgot about the site, but wanted to note not all subscriptions will auto-renew.
I'll join the other commenters in saying that I feel so much at home on this site! Thanks for creating this space and expanding it the way you did, Myles. And thanks to the person who posted the link to Donna's reviews on AV Club, thus making me discover it 🙏
I really wish more people would come to know and love this space like I did and I try talking about it every occasion I get 😁 Keep going strong!
Crack open a bottle of Veuve, congrats Myles! All I have to say is that this site whips ass, and I hope it continues for many many years to come. Thanks to all the writers and commenters for making an objectively good place to go on the Internet. Between you and Defector (and the blessed ad-free and non-autoplaying video designed sites), the dream of the early 2000's is very much alive.
Myles, I am absolutely delighted that this is economically viable for you and the rest of the writers here. Especially for those "water cooler" sort of shows, it feels like straight recaps, easter eggs hunts, and SEO garbage is all that's out there now. I, like everyone else here, want to know why a thing works or why a thing doesn't or why I like one thing and not the next. I want to understand film and storytelling better, through the episode of television I just watched. That sort of analysis is becoming an endangered species on most sites, but it's just par for the course here. As you say, well worth the money.
I'm one of the many who first subscribed for the Better Call Saul reviews and it's been so great to have somewhere to check in on thoughtful episodic reviews a couple times each week. It's well worth the price.
Myles thanks for acknowledging and keeping your reservations about making people pay for something that was free to the reader just a few years ago. I'm a paying subscriber and have been since nearly the beginning but a small part of me still resents having to pay for this type of content.
Thank you for setting this up Myles and congratulations on the anniversary! I've loved coming here after watching an episode of something and seeing the discussion and analysis and knowing something was being covered here has been the deciding factor for me a few times in choosing what to watch next.
Congratulations, Myles! The content that draws people in would not exist without YOUR commitment to being the de facto editor of a publication (with all the attendant headaches that involves). For as long as you can stand it, or until you can hand off some of the work, I hope that commitment is compatible with a healthy life for you!
Normally me mildly annoyed when Substack constantly ping me with notifications... unless they come from this web site, because it bring me joy that spirit of TV Club alive and well! Me have been so happy to see this site grow into real community, and glad to see writers me have been following for years continuing to do thoughtful criticism in this debased era of clickbait. Me must be deeply invested in Episodic Medium if me spend money on subscription me could otherwise spend on COOKIES!!!!!
Myles, This has been a blessing to me. I don't watch every show you cover and wish you could cover some you don't but I have enjoyed every minute of my subscription. Thank you for taking the leap. I will be a subscriber till my fortunes wane or you end the site. There was a real need here. Again. thank you
Congratulations! I'm one of the Better Call Saul influxees and figured I'd just subscribe until it was over but I'm still here :) There's a couple of shows that I decided to watch purely because the reviews here piqued my interest so I'm looking forward to being further influenced throughout the rest of 2023 (and hopefully beyond!)
Congrats Myles! I mostly just want to spend my time surrounded by people who compare everything to LOST, remember Live Tweeting TV fondly, and have a very specific timeline for their engagement with TV and TV criticism - which your site seems to have given me. I don't think I really engage with much TV Criticism outside of this space and maybe Vulture at this point.
Looking forward to another year!
Congrats on a great first year! I've very much enjoyed my yearly subscription, even when there have been relatively fallow periods in terms of shows I watch. Looking at the calendar for March, there will be multiple weeks where I'm likely reading at least three reviews. So that definitely makes up for the few occasions when my interests don't perfectly align with the site's. I've also gone back and read reviews of shows I didn't watch live but binged later, like Severance. And all along, it's been a robust and friendly commentary space.
Thank you for organizing such a great site!
Just one thing worth clarifying: While any yearly subscriptions bought on day 1 will auto-renew tomorrow, it looks like mine won't renew until exactly 365 days after I first paid (which I sheepishly have to admit was only when Better Call Saul came back). I realize your sentence above is likely in reference to people who bought a year immediately then forgot about the site, but wanted to note not all subscriptions will auto-renew.
I'll join the other commenters in saying that I feel so much at home on this site! Thanks for creating this space and expanding it the way you did, Myles. And thanks to the person who posted the link to Donna's reviews on AV Club, thus making me discover it 🙏
I really wish more people would come to know and love this space like I did and I try talking about it every occasion I get 😁 Keep going strong!
I love it here. People are just talking about TV again. Don't ever stop! I'll keep paying
Crack open a bottle of Veuve, congrats Myles! All I have to say is that this site whips ass, and I hope it continues for many many years to come. Thanks to all the writers and commenters for making an objectively good place to go on the Internet. Between you and Defector (and the blessed ad-free and non-autoplaying video designed sites), the dream of the early 2000's is very much alive.
Congrats on the success of the site, Myles! I'm so happy it's continued to grow. My 5 dollars a month is money well spent!
If only AV Club had given us the opportunity to support it years ago. Oh what could have been...
Myles, I am absolutely delighted that this is economically viable for you and the rest of the writers here. Especially for those "water cooler" sort of shows, it feels like straight recaps, easter eggs hunts, and SEO garbage is all that's out there now. I, like everyone else here, want to know why a thing works or why a thing doesn't or why I like one thing and not the next. I want to understand film and storytelling better, through the episode of television I just watched. That sort of analysis is becoming an endangered species on most sites, but it's just par for the course here. As you say, well worth the money.
Congrats! Good to know my eyeballs were helpful.
Happy Birthday, EpMe!
I'm one of the many who first subscribed for the Better Call Saul reviews and it's been so great to have somewhere to check in on thoughtful episodic reviews a couple times each week. It's well worth the price.
Myles thanks for acknowledging and keeping your reservations about making people pay for something that was free to the reader just a few years ago. I'm a paying subscriber and have been since nearly the beginning but a small part of me still resents having to pay for this type of content.
thanks for making a true successor to the AVC comments section. we needed this. :)
Thank you for setting this up Myles and congratulations on the anniversary! I've loved coming here after watching an episode of something and seeing the discussion and analysis and knowing something was being covered here has been the deciding factor for me a few times in choosing what to watch next.
Best of luck for year 2 and beyond!