Review: Yellowjackets, “Digestif” | Season 2, Episode 3
With reunions hopefully on the horizon, a season one-esque episode treads some water
It’s come to that point in a season of Yellowjackets where the initial fireworks have died out and we’re back to slowly percolating character drama. It’s a familiar stage: much of what I expressed in my review for “The Dollhouse” in season one also applies to “Digestif.” Part of enjoying Yellowjackets means not expecting something truly shocking or game-changing in every episode, and this is definitely a case of prioritizing smaller character drama over plot momentum.
Most of these character stories work well enough, but I still couldn’t help wishing for a little more excitement, or at least a more satisfying ending. Take Natalie and Lottie’s present-day storyline, for example. It makes sense to soften Nat a little by putting her in a position to witness the real healing effects of Lottie’s teachings, testing her kneejerk skepticism of all things spiritual. But as an audience, what we want most is to see Nat uncover Lottie’s secrets and take this place down. It kill…