Review: What We Do in the Shadows, “P.I. Undercover: New York” | Season 6, Episode 8
“Essentially, it’s a meditation on grief”
“Maybe humans are such depressing weird freaks because they try so hard to be normal that they repress all their most horny desires and then just end up squirting themselves to death.”
That’s Nadja, comforting Colin Robinson with some wise words after they leave a disappointing dinner party with a human couple, Joel (Zach Woods) and Becky (Kim Quindlen). Colin used to work with these two, and he considers Joel one of his two good friends—with the other being Laszlo’s monster. He and Joel used to have “not exactly family-friendly” conversations (about boobs) and would let each other know when they were going to “make a number three” (take a smelly dump in the office building’s third floor bathroom). But when Colin and Nadja come over, Joel is distant and Becky’s cranky. It turns out Joel and Becky have a messed-up marriage that only stays on track when they can convince one of their acquaintances to have sex with Becky, while Joel watches.
The point is: Humans, to our v…