Review: The Traitors, "The Power of the Seer" | Season 3, Episode 10
They call them the seer / And they're searching through some poop
Carolyn’s exit was a bad enough omen for this Traitors season, but beginning this episode with the murder of Tom Sandoval is salt in the wound. Odious as he may be, he was a rogue agent in a show that needs one, and he did so in entertaining ways that stayed on a pleasant wavelength. He wasn’t taking the game too seriously and was consistently wildly wrong, right up until his claim at the end that he was great at playing said game.
Why couldn’t they have just murdered Ivar? The argument was that Tom was “onto” Danielle, but nobody ever took Tom’s theories seriously, and if you can’t manipulate someone with the attention span of a flea, you shouldn’t call yourself a “gamer.” They were right to leave Gabby as fodder, given the prevailing sense that remaining traitors are likely to be women, but it showed such a short-term approach to a situation where Danielle was allegedly “twenty steps ahead.” Focus on banishing Gabby with your majority—with Dylan and Dolores as fait…