Review: The Other Two, "Cary Gets His Ass Handed To Him" | Season 3, Episode 7
The episode delivers what the title promises, but not with the result one might hope for
I suppose that technically The Other Two’s episode titles could qualify as spoilers. Some are just basic descriptions of a situation featured in the episode, but in cases like “Cary Gets His Ass Handed to Him” they clearly signal a pretty critical element in the episode.
In this example, there’s really no mystery. As soon as I saw the episode title, I knew that this would be the episode where Curtis would fully lose his patience with Cary’s awful treatment of what seems to be his only real friend. With Brandon Scott Jones officially part of the show’s cast, despite his role on CBS’ Ghosts, it was clear that the early appearances by Curtis would eventually add up to something more substantial, and there’s been a clear scaffolding across the season with regards to Cary’s inability to let someone he perceives as beneath him be celebrated for their accomplishments. And so there was no doubt in my mind that Curtis would be the one handing Cary’s ass to him when push came to shove,…