Review: The Good Fight, “The End of STR Laurie” | Season 6, Episode 7
The partners join forces to shuffle a few terrible men out the door
“I’ll just go for a walk in the sunshine,” Diane says when urged to go home after witnessing a man’s bloody death through her office window. Of course, she doesn’t do this -- at least, not literally. How could she? We haven’t seen much sunshine in the exterior shots this season. And even if the day was lovely, there’s no place to walk, with the streets taken over by protesters and riot police. What she means is going for a trip in Dr. Bettencourt’s sunny yellow treatment room, and that’s where we see her next, murmuring Wordsworth to herself. But it’s not the pharmaceutical-grade hallucinogens that are her sunshine. She may think so; certainly she shows distress and disorientation when Dr. Bettencourt says the treatment will stop being effective if she stays on it.
No, Diane’s walk in the sunshine is even more metaphorical than that. It’s time spent with men who are living, breathing bridges to another possibility for what men could be. Dr. Bettencour…