Review: Survivor, "Go For The Gusto" | Season 42, Episode 3
An unpredictable sequence of events delivers Galaxy Brain Survivor at its finest

There was a time where the pacing of an episode of Survivor was pretty predictable, but the recent shift to “journeys” has thrown a wrench into these plans. Whereas it used to be that the show would tell much of its story before the immunity challenge, early weeks without reward challenges have increasingly shifted storytelling to after it’s decided who’s going to tribal council, and into tribal council itself.
“Go For The Gusto” is a wildly paced episode of Survivor. There’s only ten minutes of storytelling before the immunity challenge, and tribal council starts with twenty minutes left to go. It’s a conscious effort to play with our expectation, building anticipation for the moment when the reason for the pacing reveals itself. And sure enough, we end up with a commercial break in the middle of tribal council, as a chaotic series of events leaves two players unexpectedly in cha…