Review: Severance, "Chikhai Bardo" | Season 2, Episode 7
The show journeys its way into a time-bending existential exploration of love and loss (and, yes, theorizing)
Last summer, a group of journalists started a TV critics Slack, and it’s become a space to discuss screeners before we’re able to talk about them with the general public. Not shockingly, Severance became a big enough topic of discussion that it earned its own channel, appropriately titled “#inniesandouties.”
Now, because of my professional choice to never watch ahead of where the audience is for the purpose of reviewing a show week-to-week, I’ve been a bit behind some of the rest of the group. They’re good about putting spoilers into threads, though, and thus I didn’t actually know anything that happened in “Chikhai Bardo” before sitting down with my screener earlier this week. However, I had seen lots of talk of “207” in an almost breathless tone, whether in the intentions to request interviews with actors and producers or in the desire to discuss its contents. When I hit play on the screener, I didn’t know what specifically to expect beyond the vague logline, but I ha…