Review: Dexter: Original Sin, "Miami Vice" | Season 1, Episode 3
Murder on the Jai (Alai) Seas
Okay, before we get to this episode—and it’s probably the best of the first three—there’s something very weird going on that has to be addressed: why is this show fucking up the chronology of their ages?
When flashback Harry takes his new informant Laura Moser back to her home and meets Dexter and his older brother, they are markedly older than in the original series’ timeline. Like, notably so. Why do that? Why create such a disjunction, when anyone can go back and look at the first series and see for themselves? There are entire wiki pages dedicated to this stuff, and this show is nothing if not predicated on the fact that it is telling the same story—same universe, same characters. Not only that, but if you’re going to age up little-kid Dexter (that child looks twice as old as Dexter is supposed to be at the time), why add the even stranger problem of simultaneously changing the difference in Dexter and Deb’s ages? They’re supposed to b…