Review: Clone High, "Some Talking But Mostly Songs" & "Saved By The Knoll" | Season 1, Episodes 5 & 6
Joan takes center stage as the most well-adjusted unfrozen clone until she's not
When the reimagined Clone High launched, it set up a clear dichotomy between Joan and Abe—whereas the former was suddenly popular and fit in with the new, progressive culture of 2023, the latter really didn’t have a place in the new hierarchies of the school. In the process, it fundamentally recentered the show around Joan—while last week’s take on anxiety spread the story across the ensemble, and the second episode narrowed in on Cleo, this week’s installments reinforce that it is Joan who has settled comfortably into the new world order, based on both her friendship with Harriet and her newfound popularity.
Well, until she doesn’t. “Some Talking But Mostly Songs” and “Saved By The Knoll” work to dismantle the idea that the “old” clones can comfortably settle into this new environment. It begins in this season’s take on a musical, abandoning the rock operatics of “Raisin the Stakes” in favor of a looser approach to songifying the story at hand. For the most part, the thesis …